The Inventing Room
Dessert Shop
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Inspired by the whimsy in the 1971 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory movie, where Violet turns violet; Catering by The Inventing Room brings an entertainment value to your guests' food experiences by creating magical & impossible treats right in front of their eyes. Using ingredients like liquid nitrogen & techniques like compression, we create culinary creations that amaze your imagination & tastebuds. We customize & personalize every menu for each event, ensuring every menu is memorable. 
Dessert Stations
Liquid Nitrogen Entertainment Dessert Station
Our Mobile Nitro Chef Treat Station allows us to roam among your guests while they mingle, serving up unique bite-sized experiences. The mobile station is perfect for larger events of 75+ guests and, for the full magical Inventing Room experience, served in tandem with a stationary entertainment dessert station with full-size desserts.  The one-to-two bite treats can be made savory or sweet, making a great addition to our stationary dessert stations or as an mind blowing welcoming station for your guests. 
Mobile Nitro Chef
Treat Station
Roaming Liquid Nitrogen Treat Station
Let us float savory or sweet truffles for a fun, unique & interactive food experience for your guests. 
Using superconductors, rare earth magnets and liquid nitrogen, we can stoke your guests imagination and allowing them to "play with their food" as they pluck truffles out of the air. Some favorite flavors include - curried dark chocolate, key-lime white chocolate, 
pimento cheese & artichoke and gorgonzola & candied bacon. Custom options always available. 
Floating Truffles
Floating Sweet &/or Savory Truffles
This area is fully editable and gives you the opportunity to go into more detail about your business, what you do and what sets you apart from the competition. This area is fully editable and gives you the opportunity to go into more detail about your business, what you do and what sets you apart from the competition his area is fully editable and gives you the opportunity to go into more detail about your business, what you do and what sets you apart from the competition.
Custom Candy
Add Your Sub-Title Here
Your goal is to first capture the attention of your fellow trade show attendees—then impress your audience. Let our "smoking", dramatic and attention-grabbing desserts &/ or mocktails attract trade show attendees to your booth while you capture contact information and qualify leads. Our unique concept can complement your brand with the incorporation of company colors and edible logos. We have traveled across the country with  companies to attract a huge crowd to their trade show exhibit while they showcase their expertise.

Trade Shows
Liquid Nitrogen Activation Station
Introducing Golden Ticket Air - for those of you utilizing our catering services, Catering By The Inventing Room has another service for you, Golden Ticket Air, which delivers desserts via drone. Chef Ian will drop three packages of unique treats at your special event. Drone drop will be dependent upon weather & only available
for private events.  Please note - drone drops cannot occur in drone restricted areas - which include but are not limited to - downtown Denver, highrise buildings, apartment buildings; close proximity to airports, hospitals, concentrations of hotels &/or commerical areas due to FAA regulations.

Sweet Treat Drone Drop
Only Available as an Add-on with Catered Events